What you will find
You will find training material that you may use to offer a training for your target audience. Your target audience could include senior epidemiologists working in surveillance and outbreak investigation of VPDs. The expectation is that the course materials will improve the capacity of the participants to become trainers in vaccinology.
Training materials from a three-day course organised as a ‘Train the trainers’ activity aiming at preparing senior professionals to organise, manage and conduct a course covering the epidemiological aspects of vaccination. Epidemiological methods for VPDs is split into three themes: Surveillance, Outbreak Investigation and Applied Epidemiological Research.
Lectures, case studies and group exercises are available.Objectives/intended learning outcomes
The objectives of this course material are to:
- Become familiar with interactive and adult learning methods, e.g. case studies;
- Be able to lecture on surveillance, outbreak investigation and applied epidemiological research of VPD;
- Be able to facilitate case studies in these areas;
- Be able to define the target audience and to adjust material/contents;
- Mobilise resources (human, budget, etc.) to organise training in this area.