AURORAE Webinar - Introduction to INSaFLU-TELEVIR: an open web-based bioinformatics suite for viral metagenomic detection and routine genomic surveillance
This is a webinar on concept and main features of the INSaFLU-TELEVIR platform. This training activity is part of the AURORAE training programme which has the objective to support countries in building capacities in the areas of diagnosis, detection, identification and characterisation of primarily influenza and SARS-CoV-2 viruses.

The course will be conducted by the National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA), Portugal, parter of the consortium “AURORAE - lAboratory sUppoRt fOr influenza and coRonA for Europe”, under contract of European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

The development of INSaFLU-TELEVIR and the expansion of its computational capacity have been co-funded by INSA and various projects promoted by the European Union, namely TELEVIRGENEO and DURABLE

Duration: 2-hour webinar on 29th October 202410:00-12:00 CET.

Audience: The INSaFLU-TELEVIR ( platform is a free, versatile and user-friendly bioinformatics suite for virus next- and third-generation sequencing data analysis. As the platform does not require advanced expertise in bioinformatics, this training session can be particularly fit to beginners to intermediate learners in the field of bioinformatics (such as, laboratory technicians, microbiologists or even epidemiologists) working in surveillance of viral pathogens, with emphasis on influenza, SARS-CoV-2, RSV, or other viral respiratory pathogens. Notwithstanding, other professionals with particular interest in viral metagenomics detection and genomic epidemiology can benefit from this INSaFLU-TELEVIR training course.

Objectives: After completing this training, the participants should be able to:  

  • Understand the workflow of INSaFLU-TELEVIR for viral metagenomics detection and routine genomic surveillance of viruses, with emphasis on SARS-CoV-2, Influenza and other respiratory virus
  • Describe the steps to yield meaningful genomic surveillance data through the INSaFLU-TELEVIR platform, from raw next- and third-generation sequencing data to mutation detection, consensus generation, virus classification, alignments, phylogenetics, integrative Nextstrain phylogeographical and temporal analysis, etc
  • Recognise advantages and limitations of the tool.

Tools and Files: Various tools (including INSaFLU-TELEVIR) and their respective documentation are already available within the EVA page of this webinar, under "Prepare for the Webinar" section, for you to explore.

Participation:  This training is open for self-enrolment on EVA.

Self enrolment (Participant)