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Virtual training in EVA - 4 and 8/Sep: Whole-genome sequence-based detection of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria (GenEpi-BioTrain)

Rodrigo Filipe
Virtual training in EVA - 4 and 8/Sep: Whole-genome sequence-based detection of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria (GenEpi-BioTrain)
by Rodrigo Filipe - Friday, 25 August 2023, 8:41 AM

Whole-genome sequence-based detection of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria

 GenEpi-BioTrain - Virtual training
4 and 8 September 2023 12:30-16:00

Preparedness checkmark

The aim of this virtual training is to introduce participants to theoretical and practical aspects of detection of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria using whole-genome sequence (WGS) data.

Session 1: Introduction to AMR in bacteria and software tools to detect AMR in WGS data.

Session 2: Interpretation and reporting of results obtained using different software tools.

If you are a microbiologist or a bioinformatician interested in detection of AMR in WGS data, enrol today and tell your colleagues. It's open for public enrolment.

Enrol today 
Rodrigo Filipe
Re: Virtual training in EVA - 4 and 8/Sep: Whole-genome sequence-based detection of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria (GenEpi-BioTrain)
by Rodrigo Filipe - Friday, 25 August 2023, 9:30 AM

CORRIGENDUM: Please use this link for enrolment: