Check out the e-learning course for training of professionals working with migrants and refugees. It is presented as four courses tailored to four audiences:
health professionals |
law enforcement officials |
social workers |
trainers / coaches |
By the end of this course participants will:
Understand the complexity of health needs,
challenges and risks faced by migrant populations;
Recognise factors of vulnerability and assess
migrants' health conditions;
Get familiar with practical tools to deal with
people in acute stress;
Get familiar with tools to deal with and
communicate efficiently with migrant populations.
This online course was produced under the third EU Health Programme [2014-2020] in the frame of a Service Contract 20167204 “Provision of training for first-line health professionals, law enforcement officers and social workers working at local level with migrants and refugees and training of trainers” with the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) acting under the mandate from the European Commission.
The content of the course
has been developed by a consortium constituted by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en
Santé Publique (EHESP), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the
Italian Institute of Public Health (ISS), the Association of Schools of Public
Health of the European Region (ASPHER), the Instituto de Saude Publica da
Universidade do Porto (ISPUP) and the University La Sapienza of Rome.
The courses are linked to the face to face material that is uploaded in the Health Policy Platform, under the Network “Migration and Health: Training for professionals”.