Introduction to Outbreak Investigation e-learning

This course focuses on the basics of outbreak investigation. It introduces knowledge of concepts, basic principles, and the succession of actions. At the end of the course, the participant will have sufficient knowledge and basic skills to work in an outbreak investigation team. The course uses a basic teaching model: ‘introduction, demonstration, exercise and reflection’. Course design is modular, with text, graphics, media (video lectures) and quizzes embedded in each module. The course is designed as an unmoderated, self-paced course, i.e. participants can set their own schedule. The different sections are intended to be done sequentially, but the course does not need to be completed all at once.

Duration: 6 to 8 hours of active learning.

Audience: This course targets public health professionals with no prior knowledge of outbreak investigation. It may also be used as a refreshment module prior to taking advanced courses in outbreak investigation.

Objectives: Upon completing the course, the participant will be able to: 

  • Recognise the steps necessary to conduct an outbreak investigation; 
  • Describe the activities involved in each of the 10 steps of outbreak investigation; 
  • Discuss the different application of the outbreak investigation steps for different situations.

Participation: This course is open for public enrolment.

self enrolment